3. 2022 Street & Utilities Improvement Project

The City Council of Thief River Falls conducted a hearing on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 405 East Third Street, Thief River Falls, MN to consider making the following improvements, located within the City of Thief River Falls, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111:


  • State Avenue North from 3rd Street to 10th Street, excluding 6th street
  • Arnold Avenue North from 6th Street to 9th Street.
  • Duluth Avenue North from 4th Street to 9th Street, excluding 6th Street.
  • Knight Avenue North from 4th Street to 6th Street, and 7th to 9th Street.

The above Avenues were last reconstructed in 1986 and consisted of 20” class #3 sub-base and 6” class 5 base construction, 2.5” of non-wear binder course, and 1.5” of wear course.  There have been multiple utility street service cuts made throughout the construction life of these Avenues, and they are due for reconstruction of the road from base material to the surface pavement.  Utilities in this project area deemed in need of improvement have been previously improved and are not within the scope of this proposed project.

The proposed improvements would consist of reclaiming 4” of bituminous material with 5” of Class 5 base material, providing a more unified layer of base material. Excess unnecessary material would be excavated and disposed (discretion of the city), and two new layers of bituminous material would be paved.  Curb and gutter replacement would consist of updating sections of old design square curb and gutter and any existing curb that retains more than 1” of water.

Spot repair of sidewalk in failing or unsafe walk areas to be addressed and repaired.     Pedestrian ramps transitioning roadways to existing sidewalks to be constructed to include truncated domes, compliant to PROWAG standards (Minimum 48” PAR).

The total estimated cost for this work would be $1,558,615.00

These funds would be funded by City bonding.  There would be street assessments for recovery costs, for approximately $837,969.00 recovery total.

  • 9th Street from State Avenue North to T.H. #32
  • 8th Street from State Avenue North to Knight Ave North
  • 7th Street from State Avenue North to T.H.#32
  • Knight Ave North from 6th Street to 7th Street
  • 5th Street from Kinney Ave North to T.H. #32

The proposed improvements would consist of milling 2 inches of the entire roadway and placing a new 2-inch bituminous wearing course. 

The total estimated project cost is $389,494.00.

These costs would be funded by City bonding. There would be no assessments for this work.

$          1,948,109.00 Total Project Cost

$                        0.00 Municipal State Aid

$                        0.00 Total Federal Aid

$          1,110,140.00 Total General City Cost

$             837,969.00 Total Special Assessments